Change YOUR


Let us know you need to change something about your booking for Brunch. We can make most changes you need up to 24 hours before your brunch starts. There are some restrictions you can read about here

Upgrade or


You thought you were Basic, but realized you are actually Diva. Fix that here.

More Information

Change the Size of

your PartY

Your friends have heard you have seats at Drag Brunch, and now they want to come. Make it happen here.

More Information

Change the

Date of Your


Nothing worse than missing Drag Brunch. Make sure you don’t by telling us 24 hours at least before.

More Information


A Refund

Something went wrong. It wasn’t your fault. Probably wasn’t ours either. Doesn’t matter, though because we refund any ticket for any reason, so long as you ask us more than 24 hours before your brunch.

Our Refund Policy

GEt a Non-drinker


Pregnant Women and Youth under 21 are elgible for a non-drinker discount in many circumstances. Apply for that here.

More Information